
About Us
Vision Statement
Ouachita County Medical Center will become the focal point of a co-ordinated, county wide continuum of health care services from preventive care to geriatric services. This vision will be shared by the Medical Staff and Hospital Staff, who working as a team will recognize opportunities to more appropriately deliver and improve the quality and cost effectiveness of current and new services.
Mission Statement
The mission of Ouachita County Medical Center is to provide accessible, personal and quality health care in a safe and confidential environment, with courtesy, friendliness and respect.
Welcome to Ouachita County Medical Center
OCMC is committed to providing quality care to our patients in a safe, confidential and friendly environment. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive service and care. Whether your needs are for maternity services, employer/work related care, treatment for substance abuse, geriatric psychiatric services, home care or hospice, we look forward to exceeding your expectations. You, the patient, play a vital role in making your care safe and efficient by becoming an active, involved and informed member of the health care team.
Speak out if you have questions or concerns and, if you don’t understand, ask. Your health is too important to worry about being embarrassed. If you don’t understand something that your doctor, nurse or other health care professional tells you, ask for clarification.
Pay attention to the care you are receiving. Tell your nurse or doctor if something does not meet your expectations.
Educate yourself about your diagnosis, medications being taken, medical tests you are undergoing and your treatment plan. Gather information about your condition, medications being taken and the operation of any equipment that is used in your care.
Assign a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate. Select a person you can communicate with and that you trust to assist you in clarifying treatment options.
Participate in all decisions about your treatment. You are the center of the health care team and should participate in all treatment decisions made regarding your care.
If you have concerns or complaints about any aspect of your care, safety, or the services provided to you or your family, please let us know. You may speak with any member of our staff – your nurse, Hospital Administrator, Administrator on Call, Nursing Supervisor, or the Patient Advocate. Your nurse can assist you in contracting any of the above or you may call the Switchboard Operator by dialing “0” and ask the Operator to assist you in contacting the person with whom you wish to speak. We value the opportunity to help resolve any issue while you, or your family member, are still in the hospital. If you have concerns about patient care or safety that you feel the hospital has not addressed, please contact my office at (870) 836-1200. If I am unavailable, a member of my staff will be available to assist you. (After normal business hours please contact the Switchboard Operator at (870) 836-1000, or dial “0” if you are using a phone in the patient’s room, and the Operator will contact me or the Administrator on Call to speak with you immediately). If, however, you feel your concerns cannot be resolved through the hospital, you may contact the Arkansas Department of Health by phone at 1-501-661-2201; by mail at 5800 West Tenth, Suite 400, Little Rock, AR 72204, or by email adh-hrs-complaints@arkansas.gov.
Thank you for choosing Ouachita County Medical Center for your healthcare needs. I offer you my best wishes for a full and complete return to health.
Peggy L. Abbott, President
Ouachita County Medical Center